[b]"Negative Echo, we need those AT-TE's elsewhere and the emplacements are most likely sufficiently shielded from external attacks. The only way to open up a gap in that shield is by infiltration, and if we infilitrate the emplacements we could just as damn well blast them to high hell."[/b] He replied to his brother. Thereby, as the squad's Sergeant not even he was authorized to make such calls. Only their Captain, leading this Company had that authority. --- [b]"Move! Move! Check the perimeter!"[/b] He yelled as he jumped out of the gunship and directed a marksman towards a geonosian nearby. A quick blaster bolt took it out of the sky as it attempted to flee, and it crashed to the ground with a high-pitched shriek. He didn't know wether or not it was a civilian, but regardless, it'd have betrayed their position. Their presence behind the enemy's first line was utterly precarious, and the only way they would succeed was through agressive stealth. Using stealth to get close enough to wipe out all withnesses in an instant. As soon as they knew the direct environments were clear of enemies, he grabbed his holographic map again as the Larties took off. The 150 best clone troopers of the 67th Legion were gathered here, since these were the second best after those who already died during the jedi's evacuation, and split up into Platoons of 36 each led by a Lieutenant in a normal situation, but in this case their lieutenant had been on the immobilized gunship, the 2nd lieutenant having been killed in action already. As a result, the Sergeant-Major led the troops into battle. In this case, it was CT-8945, or also called Tremor. [b]"We are now about right here,"[/b] Tremor started, pointing at a location near to a canyon that led next to the enemy's defensive lines towards one of their flak-towers, a large rocky outcrop filled with flak and heavy duty turbolasers. The canyon they'd go through was easily defended and in fact a death trap, and that had been the reason they chose to go through it. Because it was so easy to defend they'd never expect them to actually attack through there, and a brutal and decisive assault could overwhelm the relatively small but usually sufficient defensive forces present, should they have the element of surprise. [b]", and will advance through this canyon towards defensive tower alpha. We must overwhelm the defences in and around the garrison to break through, and as soon as we get out of the canyon we will split up. Half of us will deal with the turbolasers, other half will take down the flak. Since we lack the 6th platoon, we'll have to spread thin. Take care boys."[/b] Falcon nodded and grabbed his DCA from his back and beckoned his squad. [b]"On the quick march boys! We're leading the charge!"[/b] He said, starting to jog towards the gentle slope leading into the canyon. Once in there, it'd be one hundred percent enemy territory, and everyone'd have to be on their toes. They had theorized that defences here'd be comparatively weak, as the Acclamators hadn't detected as much emplacements as around the canyon, but that said nothing about how well-defended it actually was, considering the attacks were a measly 150 unsupported infantry.