"DID YOU JUSHT SAY SHARE!?" Shen waved his bottle aggressively at Li, clearly she was in a drunken rage. "Do I LOOK LIKE I WOULDJUSHT SHAAARE MY BOOTLE O' BOOZE!?" She threw his bottle at him, chucking it with astounding strength. The girl was clearly stronger drunk than she was when sober, it was a proven fact that she could fight better and was much more agile. "Do you want to start afightbecause I'lllll DO IT!" She growled, raising her fists up, preparing to get into formation for earth bending. Shen was unpredictable when she was drunk, her sudden mood swings made it hard to control her and yet somehow the group has managed to keep her calm. Li managed to enrage her constantly, it was almost like a schedule to him.