[b]"Well blowing things up ourselves is fun too I guess. Sir."[/b] Echo replied. That was a shame, there just wasn't anything quite like painting a target, hanging back and watching the fire works. Sure some soldiers liked that whole, in the thick of it" feeling, but Echo preferred his artillery strikes over getting shot in the ass while setting a charge any day. As Snapshot got his attention, Echo gave him a quick once over and nodded. Medics were good, they helped people not die and that was something that he could definitely get behind. [b]"I'm not in charge as you can clearly see, but I personally never say no to bacta. I think that's a rule actually."[/b] Echo said as he fell in line with the rest of his squad. Leading the charge huh? Well now Echo was [i]really[/i] missing his artillery strikes. This wasn't going to be pretty, he suspected a lot of his brothers were going to die. Echo gripped his DC-15S and nodded, following alone while monitoring chatter. At the very least, maybe he could intercept something and give them a safer route, assuming Falcon would go for it.