Farrow Farrow liked his name, it was unique after all. He remained standing as the Nurse went to check on Matt's condition. [i]He should be alright.. It's nothing more than a bit of shock. He'll be alright once he wakes up in a minute or two[/i] Farrow told him, giving himself a bit of reassurance. He really wondered why he was so worried over a person he barely knew. "Well... I thought about asking you about it, but..." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, "I thought it was a personal matter that didn't concern me. It's none of my business if you're a zombie, lich, or undead; even though it sounds like a interesting tale, with the dead coming back to life and all. I've seen a few zombie movies and they're all very scary, but you seem alright." There he went, running his mouth off with no filter. "But.. Um.. If you really want, Lily, you can tell me about it."