Mellory decided to close the store for an early lunch; she flicked the open side to closed and left the store. It was sunny outside, a welcome change from the dreary weather the town had been having recently. She climbed into her car and made her way to the forest. She watched the lumber mill pass behind her at a speed far too dangerous for the dirt roads closer to the forest's border. She slowed down, barely, as she approached and pulled to an abrupt stop close to the first line of trees. She climbed up onto the roof of the car and laid back in the sun. Her legs dangled over the edge, resting against the windscreen. 'Should have brought some painting gear..' She thought to herself as she stared at the trees, and the clear sky. She'd head back after lunch, that's when she had the most business. It had become harder lately to be in the store. It reminded her of her Mother; which is not something she wished to be reminded of. She couldn't remember properly what her mother looked like; just a twisted version of her. Mellory would have night terrors most nights and often tried not to sleep. Alone in her house, after it had long but been abandoned. Running through dark hallways from her Mother, as she chased Mellory and screeched. Mellory hated her Mother but most townsfolk seemed to feel differently. Her mother was outright nasty, no hiding it but no one seemed to care. The weather was warm, and the sky was clear so Mellory laid back and closed her eyes. No sleep, just relaxing.