[b]Lily[/b] She smiled slightly, looking down at the floor. Undead... At least then she wouldn't feel so useless. She took in a deep breath and then straightened up. [b]"It's a rather long story. I was... once an Angel. And in order to kill another rogue angel, I had to forfeit my Grace and here I am. Human, and rather useless. If I were an Angel, I could help Matt. But as I am..."[/b] She explained, looking down at her hands, fumbling with them. [b]"That's why I'm here. To get my Grace back so I can go back to being an Angel."[/b] She continued, looking up at Farrow. [b]"I miss my wings."[/b] She told him, a sad smile on her face. She'd have to tell this to Matt too, wouldn't she? She sighed and looked up at Matt, laying on the table. The nurse had left to go back to her desk, not really telling either Lily nor Farrow anything. Useless... She closed her eyes. When she graduated, she'd immediately apply for a job as the School nurse. She could do a better job than this woman anyway. Well, if she got her Grace back. Which... She had no idea how to even start. The old man said it was found within herself, she just had to dig. Well, dig where? She was already frustrated and she hadn't really even started yet.