Dante nodded as he listened to her speak, once she asked him a question he answered, "I'm not nervous, I....Actually, let's start walking while we talk. We don't want to be late," he said as he began walking towards the place the graduation ceremony would be held. Rubbing the back of hair as they walked, he began speaking again, "But like I was saying, I'm not nervous, not really excited either.....I guess because I'm forced to do this. I think if I had motivation I would be more excited.....But I guess I'd be more excited if I knew where you would go, because my motivation comes from wanting to keep you safe......Kevin too of course!" he quickly saved himself as he looked away taking a breath, he shouldn't worry about things like that. --- Alexandria spotted U and began walking towards her, seeing the people glance at her she glared at them causing them to walk away. She then walked up beside U and gently grabbed her hand looking down at her. Alexandria was five inches taller than her, but it was fine for her, and knew U was fine with it too....She thought....She hopped. There was a small tug to her lips which only lasted a few seconds, a few seconds longer than she ever had in public. That was the effect her friend had on her, her only friend, the first type of friend she ever had. "Have any idea where you want to go?" she asked softly, "Wherever you go, I'm going with you. And wherever you go, Levitt is supporting us." She gave U's hand a light squeeze.