[i][b] - Leroy[/b][/i] It had only been about an hour since Leroy arrived at the academy, yet he had already succeeded in transforming his room into something unlike any other. Namely, he had covered almost everything in newspaper. The ceiling, walls, floor, bed, desk, bed, closet, and dresser were all completely covered by old news articles. The only things spared from the mayhem were the ceiling lights and windows. Turning his room into his own idea of an art studio, he instead invaded the common living area with his belongings. His blankets and pillow were on the sofa, claiming the furniture as his new sleeping area. Satisfied with his work, he grabbed a large sketchbook and his backpack. Leaving the room, he headed for the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. Leroy was smiling broadly as he entered the student center, but his eyes were cold as he scanned the room. To his great disappointment, the entire place had been spotlessly fixed up. He would have loved to see the wreckage all the students seemed to be buzzing about (catching snips of the story on his way to the dormitories), but now it was too late. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room, he opened up the sketchbook and backpack, retrieving a box of soft pastels. Gliding the pastels across the blanks surface, he hummed a light tune and began to scribble out a scene of hell playing out with familiar bits of the student center in the background. He didn’t need to use his precious ink for such a boring room. --- [i][b] - Kathy[/b][/i] Apparently her roommate had either woken up extra early, was an extremely heavy sleeper, or had not returned to her room at all. “Hello?” Trying a second time, Kathy gently knocked on her roommate’s door. Accepting that she wasn’t going to get an answer, she shrugged and walked out of the room. They would run into each other eventually. Outside, she looked up at the clear sky and gave her arms a stretch. Looking back at the dormitory building, the events from the party almost seemed like a lie. If it weren’t for the bandage still wrapped around her right hand, she could have easily dismissed everything as a bad dream. [i]‘Although not all of it was bad, I guess.’[/i] She thought, subconsciously running her fingers over the white material where the stitches were as she walked. Inside the cafeteria, she eyed all the food available. “Hmm…” Making a thoughtful sound, she scratched her head. While there were many delicious things on the menu, she doubted she could learn to use utensils with her non-dominant hand on the first try. [i]‘I’ll give it some practice later in the dorms. Public performances will have to wait.’[/i] Purposely leaving the trays untouched, she grabbed a plate of assorted jam sandwiches and plopped a carton of milk on the edge of the plate. Balancing the food in her left hand, she sat down at a free table and began to eat.