Jeremy was cold. The room around his was dark. He had no idea where he was or what had happened. All he could think about was Grimrock. A thought came over him, a thought that he wanted to reject, but could not. What if Grimrock was dead? Jeremy tucked his legs to his chest and let his head rest between them and begin to sob. It had been a long time since he had last seen Grimrock and he felt so lonely without him. After about ten minutes of vainly attempting to be brave, he began to realise that he didn't know where he himself was. He looked around, his eyes finally beginning to adjust to the dark and found that his ankle was chained to a heavy ball that he could not move. "Funny," he thought, "We have these in our local gaol." But he failed to make any connections. Jeremy got up and began to walk around the room, or as far as he could with the chain round his ankle. He managed to work our that there was a large, foul-smelling bucket one corner of the room, an uncomfortable hay mattress in another and a number of corpses in another. He still had no idea where he was. Leaning up against the back wall of the room, Jeremy began to think deeply about what had happened. He remembered leaving the house with a small knapsack, in search of Grimrock. He shot up "The knapsack!" he exclaimed out loud. He had lost the knapsack - his lifeline - and his only way of casting magic. He tried to remember when the last time he had it was. Suddenly, it began to come together in his head. He had come across a powerful wizard who had put him to sleep, and then he awoke here. His thoughts were interrupted by a girl about his age entering his cell. She walked over to him and looked at him with deep, almost mournful eyes. Almost excitedly, she whispered to him: "I shall lead an escape from this dungeon and you shall accompany me. If you follow my every command and ensure my safe passage then I will make sure that you shall live once I escape and regain my powers. Is this satisfactory to you?" Jeremy had no idea what she was saying, but he heard the word escape, that was enough. After a few seconds of thought, he stuttered: "y-yes". It was obviously what she wanted to hear, for she then stooped down and unlocked him from his chains. He was free.