[b][i][center]Briar Rose[/b][/i][/center] Eulalie was genuinely surprised that Devin found the place so easily. Then again, everything else was very simple and plain. It made sense the man in charge would also be the richest and have the nicest home. Her heart sped up as she looked at the large man. Then she blinked in an effort to abate her anxiety. He was a man, a rich enough man for such an area. She would charm him. "[i]Bonjour monsieur,[/i]" she said softly and giving a small curtsy. "I am Mademoiselle Eulalie Bellerose, of... zee... ministry." she bluffed. She allowed her accent to permeate her English now, hoping to use her exoticism as part of winning him over. Her hand went to her family crest at her throat, with the rose encircled with the thorned crown of Christ. "I am inveszigating some small matteur, and would be pleased to speak wis you, [i]si vous le permettez?[/i]" The older man regarded her carefully, though somewhat appreciatively. "The 'ministry' you say? Ministry of what? From whom do you derive authority?" he asked, not being an idiot. "Le Ministère de l'Crucifix," she answered, making up a name that sounded legit enough. "I was sent by La Mère Supérieure, who takes orders from zee bishop in Massachusetts. Zat ees as much as I can inform you, monsieur. Might I come inside and speak wis you?" The man regarded her warily, and she looked upward at him with wide doe eyes. Finally he nodded, and motioned for them to follow. She hoped Devin caught the name of her fictional ministry in case he was asked. Entering the foyer, which boasted wainscoting along the walls up to her waist and a fine floral wallpaper covering the plaster, she noticed there seemed to be no other guests, and enjoyed a moment of smug satisfaction that Sawyer was in some bar not getting ahead of her right now.