[hider=Rin][b]Name:[/b] Rin [b]Date of birth:[/b] Autumn, 48th day [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]True age:[/b] 114 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Young [center][img=http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy341/KuroiFaith/Fantasy/elfboy.jpg][/center] Mature [center][img=http://dreamworlds.ru/uploads/posts/2011-03/thumbs/1299189816_7c562644920ddd0855a9acdae9b2c98b-d37zyhj.jpg][/center] Adult [center][img=http://wfiles.brothersoft.com/e/elven-warrior_147005-800x600.jpg][/center] [u]Young Rin:[/u] [b]Position:[/b] Hunter [b]Skills:[/b] Speed, Stealth, Agility, Crafting, Sword Combat, Archery, Heightened Accuracy, Hand to Hand Combat [b]Personality:[/b] Rin is bright, sincere, energetic, has a good sense of humor, is generally friendly and has a big heart for nature and the animals within it. He'll go out of his way to help his friends. Rin is very crafty, and loves to make gifts for the people of Niamh, but he's not just friendly and kind. He can be very fierce and is very ambitious, always giving 110% to reach his goals. [b]History:[/b] Rin grew up, without parents, as they went missing while hunting in the woods when he was 5, and are presumed dead. He was adopted by a High Priest named Fargo. Rin started hunting when he was 10 and has been ever since, he's very crafty, using the environment to his advantage and developing a stealth like fighting style in his spare time, Rin began crafting, creating his own bows, arrows and even swords, then began applying this knowledge to create potions, clothing and even armor. Although Rin loves his village and friends, he dreams of adventure, to one day leave this village he calls home to see what awaits beyond the forest. [u]Mature Rin:[/u] To be determined. [u]Adult Rin:[/u] To be determined.[/hider]