Farrow "I see..." Such a sad story... Farrow didn't know the right way to respond. It was like if he lost his deer half and was forced to walk on two legs, losing a part of you that means so much to you. "Well.. Isn't there a way you can get your wings back without having to get your grace? Can't you just die again and become a angel that way?" He shook his head, "Sorry, I'm being stupid, shouldn't of said that. But if there is any way that I can somehow help, just ask me. I'm more than willing to help out someone in need, even if I just met you." At least he's being optimistic. Maybe Farrow himself could assist the school nurse somehow.. He has knowledge of making medicines and other natural remedies; he even knows a few minor healing spells. He'd do it out of the goodness of his heart, not to make money; material possessions meant very little to him. "How do you get your grace back in the first place? By being a good person, doing angelic things?"