[hider=Willie Okonma][b]Name:[/b] Willie Okonma [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [center][img=http://www.image-maps.com/m/private/0/egcqif65ovjs7eo06682q5qa70_sean_nelson_stake_land.jpg][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] Shooting, hand to hand, melee weapons, survival, explosives, vehicles, cooking. [b]Abilities:[/b] Long range shooting, vehicle/weapon repairs and modifications, traps, tracking. [b]Backpack:[/b] M4 Carbine, scope attachment, 9mm, 2 grenades, smoke grenade, claymore, combat knife, hatchet, gallon of water, military rations, binoculars, canteen, gas mask, rope, first aid kit, stereo, guitar [b]Personality:[/b] Generally laid back and somewhat calm, Willie is a swell guy despite what's happened, and has the ability to liven up a group if need be. Very easy to talk to and prefers working and being with people, as teamwork is vital to him and he can't stand being by himself for so long. He's willing to share what little he has to help, but if you cross him, he won't forget it. Other than that, Willie's a good guy. [b]History:[/b] Willie was in the marines when the outbreak occurred, and was sent to Washington to keep the peace and hold back the creatures, but they were unable to contain it. When Washington was taken over, Willie made a run for home to Houston, Texas. Upon arriving, the outbreak wasn't as severe as other places. Willie's family were going to go by boat to Europe, where people say the outbreak was contained, and it was safe. Willie's younger brother, Franklin, was not among his family. The last they heard, he setup shelter in his garage, all the way in Chicago where he moved a few years back. Willie is on the hunt to reunite his brother with the family.[/hider]