"Electricity huh. . ." Jarrod propelled himself in the air, the burst of compressed air pushing him higher and higher up until he was right in the thick of the flock now. He dodged the lashing claws as the air bursts kept him from falling. He spun and turned, slashing out and swiping whenever he could. Seeing them drop one by one, he whittled down their numbers to only a few more now. Time to finish it. He gripped Marionetta's hilt tighter, and let the wind carry him around the flock in a full circle. Then another one. Then another, until he successfully created a vortex right in the middle of the flock. The strong winds drew in the Anomalies, and Jarrod discharged Marionetta at the last second. Without the propulsion, he began tumbling downwards, his body rushing to meet the ground. At the last second, he discharged another gust of wind to soften the landing, making him skid on the ground. A few scrapes here and there, but he'd live. He pointed at the captured flock, a wide grin on his face. "Volt Girl. Arrow Boy. I got them trapped there nice and tight for you two. Why don't you guys finish them off? Whoever kills the least gets to buy us all some lunch. How about it?"