"Neil, there has been a robbery at block FAA, 5th street, house number 12", a person from Mission Control said though a walkie talkie. Mission Control, or MC, is the place where all the reports come in and then they sent them to the police officers who are supposed to be closest to the incident. "No further intel available at this moment. Two other officers were also contacted." "10-4 Control, I'm on my way. ETA five minutes. Over." Neil holstered his walkie talkie and took control of the steering wheel with one hand, switching his standard law enforcement vehicle into [i]drive[/i] from [i]park[/i] with the other. He gently pressed his foot against the accelerator and began to drive towards the address. The excellent weather conditions and quiet roads made for an easygoing drive. "Hm. A robbery in broad daylight," he quietly exclaimed to himself, "this shouldn't be too much of a hassle." Within four minutes Neil had made his way to 5th Street and was just pulling up to house number 12. He put the vehicle in neutral and turned off the ignition, leaving his keys in the car as he opened the door to exit. He looked up to the front porch of the household, noticing a man attempting to comfort his hysterical wife. "Calm down dear. It's over now. The police will get him and we'll get your mother's jewelry back. Don't worry." Neil shut the driver-side door behind him and casually made his way to the porch steps to introduce himself and get a grasp on the situation. Currently he was the only officer at the scene. "Hi, Officer Neil Johnson. We've had a report of a robbery and I've just got some questions if you don't mind." Clearly the woman was in no state to give accurate information, or if she could it would take too long. "Ma'am, you can go inside if you'd prefer. Maybe grab a glass of water and lie down, I can tell you've been through enough today." The woman responded with a whimper and a nod, kissed her husband on the cheek, pivoted and went inside the house. The man, slightly bigger than Neil, turned and shook his hand, thanking him for coming so quickly. "Not a problem. I know you don't want to do this so I'll try to make it quick. When did the robbery happen?" "We're not sure sorry, we were out when it happened. We came home 10 minutes ago and found the place damaged and a few valuables stolen." "What time were you out from?" "Oh we left at about 9am to get some groceries." "And what got stolen?" "Uhh a playstation, a tv, but most importantly my wife's deceased mother's jewelry. It means a lot to her." "Right, and what type of jewelry was it?" "A necklace and a, uhh, bracelt, and a couple pairs of ear rings." "Thank you, do you mind if I take a look around?" "Please, be my guest. Can I get you a drink?" "A glass of water would be fine, thanks." Neil took off his hat and held it across his chest as he entered the household and began his search. As he went inside another police car arrived with two other officers inside. --- [Sorry if I needed to add more detail or anything. This is my first time forum roleplaying so I'm not quite sure what I need to do.]