She continued to throw random meats and vegetables, some premade soups that were in a can. It didn't smell all too bad, but she had no idea if it tasted good at all. She jumped slightly and turned around to the the boy leaning against the wall. Her mind went blank when she saw the color of his eyes, she stood there stunned as he seemed to act nonchalant. She had to shake herself back to life, and realized he was looking inside of the pot. She blushed when he asked her what she was making, she had no clue. She walked over to him and looked in the large pot as well. "I don't really know what I am making, I just need something to help Leo gain more energy." She said with an aggravated tone as she hope this would fill him. She continued to add things to the pot, until it seemed like a large quantity. She let it cook for a while, trying to keep her eyes to herself as she worked. "I don't know if you'd really want to taste it." She mocked at herself as she looked at the messy soup inside the pot and soon it hit her. She slapped herself in the forehead and slumped against the counter again. How in the world was she going to get this to him? She huffed, and then looked up to the boy. "Do you have any idea how I could possibly get this pot outside?" She asked with a desperate look on her face. She was so flustered over getting Leo better that she had forgotten to introduce herself.