[b]Anedine[/b] The stars, the moon, and the ambience of crickets and rustling [s]jimmies[/s] leaves last night were so soothing that it made her drowsy and sleep on the bench. Anedine dreamed of a really interesting experience, a marriage with a man with a big ego and shades. Just as they were about to share their kisses, however, she woke right up, lying on the cool, wooden boards of the bench she was lying in. Anedine blinked her eyes rapidly a few times to fully open it. She saw yet another calm environment, with birds flying off in the distance, trees swaying off in the direction of the white, puffy, wispy clouds blocking out the sun, and the noises of cicada. She had been reminded again of her first memories: bathed in the cold, moist soil of the forest floor, with the emerald green leaves of the skyward trees on the canopy, black winged dots chirping and crossing the tall, wooden trunks, and a little patch of blue sky in the covers. There was a hunter who seemed to stumble upon her, which grabbed her to a small, concrete house with a galvanized iron roof that was among a cluster of similar buildings. [i]Hmm... I wonder where's the others now.[/i] She stood up, knees still trembling from aftersleep, then walked off in the direction of the dorm building, where the echoes of her shouting "Ryuu! Cortez! David!" filled the hallways.