[i][u]Victoria[/i][/u] Victoria slipped away from the building. Her footsteps were quiet and her gun was drawn. No zombies were in sight...yet. "[i]Well, I'll be there[/i]", the intercom crackled to life, "[i]new orders from the Gen. We need maps of the area and a headcount of zombies and the bigger groups. I know, not sniper duty, but this is urgent. For some reason the big boss wants to move fast. Another sweep or something. Over.[/i]" She raised an eyebrow. Another sweep? Shrugging, Victoria continued on her way. She stopped short of a mile of a large group of zombies around a dumpster. "Woah...they look riled up. Okay, so there's about..." she silently counted "...seventeen, eighteen, nine- wait, stop moving. Seventeen, eight- wait...okay, screw this." She aimed her gun and fired, hitting three zombies. Some of the undead turned their attention away from the dumpster and headed towards the shooter. "Crap," she muttered. ---- [u][i]Rus[/u][/i] A thin trail of smoke reached towards the ceiling. Rus lightly tapped his fingers on the nearly empty box of cigarettes as his eyes scanned the paperwork before him. "[i]Here, that cup of coffee your researches enjoy so much[/i]", a serving lady entered and placed a cup of hot coffee on Rus' desk. The young man nodded gratefully, barely looking up from his papers. "[i]How is the research going?[/i]", she asked, "[i]and what were you researching again?[/i]" "New weapons," Rus answered simply. He didn't want to reveal too much as it was A.) Mainly confidential and B.) too confusing to talk about.