Arya smiled as they spotted Henry, getting a rise out of him was just so easy! She nudged Anya and pointed over towards him. "Over there" Anya started babbling things like 'don't be a heinous bitch' and 'you should try being nice for a change' as they approached. Hearing Anya's babbling he turned to greet them. "Why hello Anya, Arya. You two feeling lucky to get in the top ten today?" Arya's smiled her usual sweet and innocent smile that hid the malevolent entity behind it, or that's how some people liked to put it anyway, Arya's smiled faltered a bit at that thought, but only for a second. "We're pretty confident, not sure about Kaiz though, you remember the manoeuvre incident? I guess he's pretty much in the same boat as you." Anya's elbow swung towards her side but this time Arya was ready and sidestepped it, laughing as she dodged. Anya, trying to express an apology for her sister's behaviour through facial expressions alone (no easy task) tried to gloss over Arya's sally. "So where do you plan on going? We were planning on the Survey Corps"