"At least on of you will benefit from this." Victor replied, unfazed by the demon's appearance. After speaking Victor could feel they had stopped gaining speed and opened a hole that once they passed through it would bring them to on 10 feet off the ground. "Any regrets before you are dropped like rock onto your head?" Victor asked as they got closer to the worm hole below. --- Seth stood and bowed at Kami's words then replied. "Yes Whiper is capable of non living matter manipulation and transportation. Particularly nasty for someone such as me, and I have no problem with him accompanying me if it makes you feel more secure." He turned and nodded to whiper then looked back to Kami. "What is our first order of business in capturing the masses?" While Seth's primary directive was to destroy Victor he had to also insure the safety and well being of Kami even if this wasn't the Empress he was expecting.