Hákon was whistling a merry tune as he walked into headquarters, carrying a finely wrapped package under his arm. The parcel was long and square in shape, and looked to be about half as long as Hákon was tall. [i]Now, if I can find some time to practice with it, I might be able to contribute more to any future conflicts than just ranged freezing...[/i] he thought, grinning as he imagined himself in the future, charging into battle clad in a glimmering suit of ice armor, swinging his sword around in a fearsome display of youthful over-excitement. As Hákon entered the main hall, he spotted Jin, hurrying away, and Gabe, who watched on in silence. Figuring that something scandalous may be afoot, he approached Gabe and paused for a moment before looking at him and winking. "She seemed to be in a hurry... Is everything alright between the two of you?" Hákon asked, putting on his most disarming smile, meant to convey the message that he wasn't trying to offend the boy with his question.