[b]Ethan[/b] He erupted into loud laughter. She was certainly cute. [b]"Sorry, you're just so... cute"[/b] He explained through the laughter. He shot her a bright smile. Who was Leo, anyway? Who needed this much food? He walked over to the other side of her, grabbing a spoon. [b]"I'm a tough guy, I can take whatever this tastes like. Plus, I don't think soup is that hard to make. Though, I would recommend actually adding a bit more broth and some spices."[/b] He told her, laughing once again. He turned to look in the cupboards. There were very few spices, but the ones he was looking for were actually there. He wasn't a master chef but he knew how to make a mean soup. It was the easiest thing to make. He grabbed the Parsley flakes, dried onions, garlic salt, and pepper. [b]"He's not allergic to any of this is he?"[/b] He asked. He'd either add or put them back if she said he was allergic to anything. She asked him how they were going to get the pot to her friend. Ethan blinked, unsure himself. [b]"Uhm, well, we could tag team it? I'll carry it, but I'd need your help. You know, opening doors and stuff."[/b] He told her, hoping he was strong enough to carry it all. He laughed. Maybe he'd just black out and it'd already be carried over there. No... he didn't want to scare her. He smiled and looked over at her. He was just a bit taller than her. Now that he really had a chance to look at her, she was very pretty. White hair that fell down to her waist. He was beginning to get jealous of this Leo... --- [b]Lily[/b] She smiled as he asked if she could just die again. [b]"I don't think it's that simple."[/b] She said, wishing it were. No, she didn't know what lied for her after death. Would she just cease to exist? Would she become and Angel again? She didn't know. She was just going off of what the old man had said. When he apologized and offered his help, she smiled again. [b]"Thank you, Farrow."[/b] She told him, her eyes soft. The people she knew were all so kind and helpful .Much different from down there. She much preferred it this way. [b]"I don't know how to get it back really. I didn't think I could until someone told me. And now, whether they were telling the truth or not, I'm here to find out."[/b] She explained, looking up at Matt. She jumped when he suddenly screamed, [b]"No!"[/b] She jumped up and walked over to him. He was breathing heavily and looked confused. She looked down, leaning over him. [b]"Hey there. Making a habit of passing out?"[/b] She said, a smirk on her face. Deep down, she was realized he was okay. She wanted to cry but... she just couldn't. She'd lost the ability to cry long ago.