Well we pretty much know what we're going to do plot wise. We can just use the OOC to discuss any ideas. Anyway here's my character. [i][center] Name: Royce Rider Age: 21 Looks: [url=http://telebunny.net/img/wiki/games/spot2_Mythri2.jpg]Here.[/url] Personality: Royce is a pretty adventurous guy. He likes the thrill of being able to explore new places and meet new people. Royce is also known for being a smart ass too making snide remarks and not caring who he hurts or pisses off in the process, unless that person is his little sister. He can act very kind and caring and a bit over protective of his sister mainly because of her special abilities. There are times when Royce can act immature and stubborn and when he sets his mind on something he mainly focuses on that one thing. Bio: Royce is a bounty hunter going around the kingdom of Corona tracking down criminals and bringing them back dead or alive......mostly alive. He makes a bigger profit doing that. One day when he was tracking down a couple of thieves he stumbled across this huge tower in the middle of the forest and decided to check it out thinking that it will lead him to his bounty. ​[/i][/center]