Bweoti: 1. The date is 2006. 2. Feel free to have a main character, but each Kindred of a faction should be fleshed out to the point that they are a full character. It's not forced, but I generally prefer all writing to be in 3rd person. In regards to your idea, if you can provide a convincing explanation for an Assamite to both join the faction, and willing live in a sewer (rather goes against their cultural ties) then I see no problem with that idea. RedDusk: It is possible to play an independent faction, there's just very little reason to. The two allegiances are very loose in the first place, particularly the Anarchs, who are generally just anyone of a Camarilla clan who doesn't follow it, so choosing to be independent essentially just highlights to all the mean people of the night that you have no friends to protect you.