With a discontented sigh the woman moves to pass the male duo once again. However Dorian raises his sword ever so slightly, bringing her to a stop. She whips around to look at him directly, her fear and patience peaking. “What the hell do you want? I told you what I know, there is nothing else I can say to aid you in this, now let me go!” He voice is slightly shrill and Dorian takes a tighter hold on the boy should he choose to respond to her sudden action. His expression remains calm as she lashes at him with her words. He lets the words hover in the air for a time, the silence between them becoming more tense by the second. [i]'Two hundred and still this level of reaction to simply threats. I can believe that she spent such a short time with her sire, however she is lying about telling me all I can learn from her that would be useful'[/i] With a faint smile he lowers his blade a few inches, still not enough to let he walk by easily but enough to make it less threatening. He replies quietly, his tone soothing. “I will let you go Miss, however I have but one more question.” She takes several more deep breaths, however his word that she will leave this place by his leave allows her to regain her composure. Bringing a hand up to he hair she brushes back an imaginary strand that never fell out of place, however the action calms her. “Is that so? Then what question may that be good Sir?” He gives her a slight nod and replies, “What, may I ask, is your Sire's name?” Her body tenses, her gaze dropping as her throat catches. Though vampire have no need to breath, the habit of doing so causes them to have the same breathing troubles humans do in tense situations from time to time. Dorian raises an eyebrow at her actions, however he remains silent as he waits for a response. He mind casts about, trying to find a way to not have to tell him the truth. [i]'I know Master would not like to be connected to this situation, and this vampire is obviously one who may recognize my Master. But, I can not lie to him out right, he will know, then he may revoke me my safe passage from this place'[/i] Her eyes come up to meet his and after a few more silent moments she lets out a sigh and stands tall. “My Sire's name is Father Julius. Now, if you don't mind.” She steps forward and this time Dorian lowers his sword so she can pass. She moves rather swiftly out of the alley and makes haste to the place where she stabled her horse. Dorian showed no physical response to the name, however on the inside he can feel him muscles tighten across his stomach. When she is out of earshot he lets out a long sigh, his grip on the boy relaxing as he moves to prop himself up against the nearest wall. “Julius, it would figure you would have some part of this. . . .” he murmurs, looking to the sky as a cloud once again blocks out the moonlight, casting the town into deep shadows where the human's lights do not reach.