I'd be interested, but I don't know about this whole "taking control of another's character is rubbish, don't do it" thing. Given, simply telling the other person what his character does is BS because it should be up to them to RP it, but basically three quarters of the clans have some form of mind control or psychic influence type disciplines, and without actually being able to use them--i.e., tell PCs its up to them to decide if they are strong willed enough to resist a PC that specializes in breaking peoples' wills, which everybody does the majority of the time whether it makes sense or not--most of those are at a severe disadvantage, particularly when it comes to going up against the combat-oriented characters, such as the Brujah who have celerity and potence, or the Gangrel who have fortitude and shapeshifting. I mean, can we at least get an agreeance of no god-moding by people who are overly attached to their fictional characters? Just a thought. In a game like this, characters would definitely drop like flies if realism came into play.