[quote=True Self] Kaga -- Not sure if this was discussed already or not, but why don't you have it where it is considered a high crime in Sorenaye for those on the outside to own a tamed draconide. I'm sure the inside wouldn't want the outside to learn how to train their own draconides in order to rebel against the sword-and-shield knights. The knights can even be the ones who enforce such law. Don't you agree? [/quote] Hmm... Well half the point of the Sword-and-Sheild Knights is that they [i]can[/i] defend themselves from such an uprising, should one occur. Plus, I'd included in Maya's CS that she used to know people who owned one, though it died of old age quite a few years ago. Plus, the Inside shouldn't be concerned with the Outside taming too many of them, since they're pretty expensive to own, and most Outsiders don't have a ton of money to throw around. Besides, I prefer the atmosphere of tame Draconides being at least [i]slightly[/i] easier to come by on the Outside.