No offense, but I wouldn't think the King would allow such an uprising to have a chance at forming against the Insiders in the first place like that. Would he really be so careless to potentially jeopardize the order of his kingdom by not enforcing such law? It's like if the UN allowed just any country who wanted nuclear weapons to have them (or in this case tamed draconides, carnivores in particularly) - that wouldn't be smart on their part. It's not outside the realms of possibility that any Outsider could obtain a strong titan somehow (that they learn to train from an egg) and let it feed on Grazers (not much cost in that). You could say the law wasn't passed until recently or have it in the process of becoming law. Maybe only Grazers are allowed to be owned on the outside? Outsiders could still break the rules in secrecy if they hid them well. I believe it'd be more interesting if there will be a rebellion scenario, but you can do what you choose. Unless it was costly to train a draconide properly, because I don't assume training a wild reptile would be as easy as just anyone raising them from an egg. (sorta like breaking a horse, but much more complex) Though I still think it'd be safe of the king to have said safety law just in case someone who knew how to tame them decided to betray the kingdom - which could make for an interesting twist. [B]*this is me debating, not arguing with you*[/B]