Isaak walked through the bustle of wizards and witches of Diagon Alley, looking for the shops that he would be buying his school supplies for his second year at Hogwarts. He was really glad to be going back to the wizarding school for his second year, and he couldn't wait to get return to Charms class. Charms was his favorite subject at Hogwarts, with Transfiguration and Defense Against The Dark Arts following close behind. He had always dreamed of becoming a very famous wizard for his skills in Charms, just like Merlin many hundreds of years ago. He never really understood why some wizards thought of Slytherins as always specializing in Potions when the two most famous Slytherins in history were specialists in different types of magic instead of Potions. It was his dream of breaking that stereotype and proving that Slytherins were among the best Charm users. When he and his family had gotten to Diagon Alley, his parents let him go look around on his own for his things while they showed his younger siblings around the magical shops. At one point Isaak passed by the alleyway that lead to Nocturn Alley, and he made to keep away from that place. Many thought of Slytherins as always being bad wizards and witches, but Isaak wasn't one of them, he would never practice the dark arts unless it was absolutely necessary. He soon came to the broom ship that displayed the latest types of racing brooms and stared in awe at the Firebolt which was one of the fastest brooms in the world. It and the Numbus 2000 were the brooms that Harry Potter had used when he was Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team during his student years at Hogwarts. Isaak hoped that this year he would be able to earn a place on the Slytherin team since it would be his second year and was the year when a student could tryout for the team. He was very good on a broom and he was keen on ether being a Seeker or a Chaser. He didn't mind becoming a Beater, but the other two positions were far more fun and exciting to Isaak. He was passing by the Olivanders when he heard a loud explosion come from the joke shop owned by the Weasley Twins. the blast caught him completely off guard and he was almost paralized from the shock of what had just happened. he prayed to God that his family had been looking at a different shop, knowing that his younger brothers would have definitely been interested in looking around Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. He hurried quickly over to the area to see if his family was there, and he noticed a woman that he never thought he would ever see. Bellatrix Lestrange, was standing over another Hogwarts student and was torturing him with what he guessed was the cruciatus. Isaak was afraid but he had to do something. he drew his wand and picked up speed towards the evil witch, and when he was close enough to not accidentally hit any of the civilians, Isaak shouted "Stupefy!!!" his wand shot out a flash of red light as he cast the stunning spell, and it was aimed directly at Bellatrix.