[u][i]Victoria[/i][/u] A bullet whizzed through the air, lodging itself into a zombie that wandered too close. The brainless tumbled back. It quickly recovered and lumbered onward before being shot in the head. "One down," Victoria muttered as she reloaded her gun, "helluva lot more to go." "[i]Victoria, sit tight and keep your head low[/i]", the MC said over the walkie talkie, "[i]we just received a report of a sniper being trapped near you. Surrounded by 20 brainless or so in a dumpster. We want you to support the reinforcements once they arrive. Over.[/i]" "Copy that. Really? I guess that explains why there's some trying to eat me! Over." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. She took down a few close Brainless before skirting closer to the dumpster. Victoria's lips formed a taut line as she saw a couple of Heart Mutateds. She fired at them, glancing worriedly at the dumpster. "Hang on tight. Reinforcements are coming!" she called. --- [i][u]Rus[/i][/u] Rus inhaled deeply, quickly burning out his cigar. He pressed the butt against his desk, forming a new burn mark among the numerous ones already there. "[i]Oh, what kind of weapons? Laser beams?"[/i] the serving girl asked brightly. "[i]Please tell me. I want to know.[/i]" The corner's of the researcher's mouth turned up. She sure was a curious one. Maybe a bit too curious... His eyes lifted from the papers. They focused on the girl, an almost uncomfortably calculating look in his eyes. "Important weapons," he finally answered, reaching for his coffee.