[quote=Ernest] Name: Ernest the madhatter Age: 19 Appearance(Preferably an image): Powers: Ernest has the ability to summon weapons but his favorites consist of a pair of metalic gauntlets that replace his arms that have been made out a strong metal allow Ernest to cut and rip through almost anything. But besides that Ernest uses magic to minipulate fire Role(New student, old student, teacher): new student Personality: Ernest is the type of person who is always being the idiotic kid just smiling and joking around a lot of the time he would just act out to make someone who was depressed happy or to get the attention of someone he has a crush on. Background: Ernest grew up in the good where unlike most people would say never use your magic on other people save it for the void creatures. But where Ernest was from it was a simple rule te strongest survive if you were weak you are nothing more that human trash that anyone can claim. When Ernest was younger he was among the weak. And was forced to become a drug mule among other things in which he was abused both physically and mentally. But because of that abuse and pain Ernest became determined to become strong so he can never be at the feet of another man ever again [/quote] approved