Scarlet paused quickly to glare at Jarrod. "That's cheap on your part." she retorted before focusing on finishing off the once that were left. Her glare remained and she clenched her dagger in annoyance with the two. "As if I'm going to buy lunch for a couple of strange men who irritate me!" she stated as she drove her dagger into the chest of one the birds. It was a rather violent act on her part, as if made to emphasize her point. Which it did to some extent. Finishing off the last one, she took a step and pushed the hair off her forehead for a moment with her wrist. She then procceed to shealth the two daggers. She looked ready to give yet another foul comment on how she would refuse to waste her money on them when the knight approach. Her mouth slowly sealed and her gaze now focused on him. "Show off..." she muttered in response to the armor he wore. It was probably as close to a complement anyone was going to get out of her at the moment. Her own was very light weight armor and barely protected her from anything. Calling it armor was even a stretch. Although she was from the Southern region and could generally adapt to the heat, anything that required her to wear heavy clothing was out of the question.