[center][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/057/b/0/space_doodle_explorer_by_spex84-d4r451b.jpg[/img][/center] [center]***[/center] [center]"Discovery awaits, oh faithful voyager, beyond the known twilight. Keep my dreams in your pocket to hold, and carry us with your first steps into newfound stardust."[/center] [b]Plot:[/b] The United League of Star Systems (ULSS) Science Division is prepping for their first ever multi-species Space Exploration program into the Outer Rim. Accepted candidates will traverse uncharted star maps in the top-of-the-line ULSS Zotharis Frigate. Your mission is to establish friendly contact with unregistered alien civilizations (that meet ULSS protocol), discover and harvest rare minerals and resources, and compile research data on all findings worth noting. You’ll go down in history as the first pioneers that explored the farthest edges of the galaxy. Whatever prejudices you may have with other species will be kept to yourself. Everyone will be watching your progress -- so don't k'raash this up! ---- [Hider=History] We’ve made our galaxy suffer for so long. Poor thing. Death and destruction. Planet-cide. Complete decimation of star systems across the board. Think of your own dirt ball’s progressive history. Whenever it came to territories, how many kingdoms, clans, tribes, kuanos – whatever you call them – disputed for ownership? Of course the scale is unfathomably complicated in outer space, but it’s all relatively the same game being played out here. Earthians call it: Survival of the Fittest. The universal principle for something of this magnitude is simply coined: [i]Gadajan[/I]. Expansion. Five Empires had mastered their Gadajan. From their initial home worlds, to entire star systems until eventually expanding outward to surrounding clusters; they conquered everything and everyone within their vicinity before inevitably bumping into each other. Now, don’t bust your brain cells researching how these space wars started. Coded net archives and endless paged tomes, combined with agenda-based propaganda media outlets everywhere have convoluted actual truths. The one general consensus that can be made is that three of the five empires didn’t want any part of the space drama; the two remaining empires were the power houses of the bunch, and neither one would fold when it came to halting their Gadajan. So the three empires formed alliances between the two for the sake of self-preservation, switching sides and shamelessly backstabbing each other until an all-out free-for-all erupted in the cosmos. This conflict went on for who knows how long. Did you know that some species within our community today didn’t even know an intergalactic war even took place? – Boy I tell ya, ignorance sure is bliss. But that’s all a distant memory now. Time heals all wounds, and we’ve had plenty of it to mull things over. Remember when I said certain communities were oblivious to the war going on? Well, that’s all fine and dandy for them, but they really missed out on the galactic-wide celebrations that followed the Five Faction Peace Treaty. Ooooh those were fun times… We have a collective saying about that brief period of fun: “If you remembered the Age of Wine, then you probably didn’t drink enough of it.” *ahem*, anyways… right, the Five Faction Peace Treaty. This took a near 5 year solar cycle to negotiate, but every Faction got their desired slice of Ujoji- or pie, for you Earthians. Designated space territories were established, and species from all sectors were free to cross borders without prejudice (Well, most of the time). This brought on an age of wonder, where every empire essentially opened up their territories to tourism. Great Halls of Cartography were made to provide accurate star charts. Entire worlds were dedicated convention centers of the Galaxy, throwing together like-minded individuals of science, philosophy, and theology in a melting pot full of collaborative ideals and ingenuity. It was a renaissance era like you wouldn’t believe. The great leaders of our ruling empires wanted to take it a step further by uniting all factions under one law. And so with much deliberation, reassurance, and careful planning, the Five Factions became The United League of Star Systems (ULSS).[/hider] ---- [b]United League of Star Systems:[/b] Formed 10 solar cycles after the Five Faction Peace Treaty that ended the Intergalactic war between Empires for ages, the ULSS has been functioning as the galaxies primary government for over a hundred years. A delegation of prime counselors make up the governing body. There are a total of 10 prime counselors; two representatives per Empire. Together, they are constantly working toward establishing constitutional laws that promote equality and cultural flexibility, all while maintaining strict authority within the confines of ULSS territory. An even bigger party of delegates make up the overseers of each Empire’s space quadrant, all intermingled and spread across the board equally. While ULSS law is accepted across charted star systems, insurgency and illegal criminal operations still exist to this day. The entire 100 year process leading up to the unification of Empires mainly dealt with quelling rebellions, piracy, and a slew of other complicated problems that could’ve delayed the process significantly, if left unchecked. After 100 years, the internal conflicts that sought to cripple the ULSS infrastructure have lessened in scope. Now, they set their sights on exploring uncharted territories in the galaxy. The first multi-species Space and Exploration team will function as a symbol of unity that reflects the tireless efforts of the ULSS. ---- [hider=The Star Map] [img]http://www.cartographersguild.com/attachments/sci-fi-modern-mapping/25120d1274811630-galactic-map-combined.jpg[/img] [u]ULSS Territories:[/u] [b]The Draithosi (dray-though-see) Emirates:[/b] A01, B04, B01, B02 The great warring faction whose power rivaled the Yirkuthu in terms of fleet size, the Draithosi were a fierce military might that originated in the B04 quadrant. While war provides different perspectives, it was generally accepted as fact that the Draithosi were an opposing threat to the galaxy. [b]The Yirkuthu (Yer-koo-thu) Hive:[/b] B15, B16, B17, B19 The Yirkuthu originated from the B17 quadrant. They were the first to establish trade routes across the galaxy before any other Empire. During the war, they were often overwhelmed by Draithosi's massive fleets, but their advanced weaponry and defense barriers often leveled the playing field. [b]The Metacaug Elite: [/b] B15, B12, B08, B07 From the B15 Quadrant, the Metacaug were of the three lesser Empires. Their ruling quadrants at the time were rich with resources, and they sought to use them when negotiating alliances. The Metacaug Elite is best known for their scholarly universities and research stations that greatly contributed to Yirkuthu's fleet strength. [b]The Jujenkan (Ju-Gen-Khan) Collective:[/b] A04, B13, B20, B18 Their homesystem originates from the B20 quadrant. The Jujenkan were infamously known as traitorous "flag swappers", because they often switched between Draithosi and Yirkuthu alliances quite frequently. They were the smallest empire compared to the other four. [b]The Suraak’na (Sir-ock-na) Sigil:[/b] B05, B06, B09, B14 The Sigil came relatively late to the war party. Hailing from the B05 quadrant, the Suraak'na had observed the battlefield from their homesystems before deciding to aid the Draithosi.[/hider] ---- [b]The ULSS Zotharis Frigate [/b] --- [Img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/243/7/c/cruiser_at_the_spaceport_by_ionfluxda-d48et54.jpg [/img] The ULSS Zotharis is the end product of a collaborative effort between the five factions of the galaxy. The Zotharis is intended to be a research vessel, but with state-of-the-art tech, shielding, stealth, navigations, and firepower, it stands as the most versatile ship in the fleet. --- [B] Specs:[/B] --- [b]Class: [/b] Multi-conventional Frigate [b]Size: [/b] 540 meters/ 1771 feet [b]Armament: [/b] 6 x Projectile Cannon Turrets, 2 x Large Ion Cannon Turrets, 1 x Large Mass Drive Cannon [b]Other Systems: [/b] Defense Field Generator, Stealth Core, Stasis Core Deployment (For boarding other vessels), Defense Probe Deployment, Research Probe Deployment. [b]Maximum Speed:[/b] FTL [b]Personnel:[/b] 100 crewmembers. Maximum Occupancy: 150 [b]Extra Vessels:[/b] [hider=Exploration Craft][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/040/c/c/WF_001_shuttle_by_concept_on_mac.jpg[/img] These all-terrain shuttles have the ability to reconfigure themselves to perform a variety of tasks (excavation, submerging in deep water, mobile laboratory) or break apart into smaller transport vessels for short distance planetary travel. Maximum Occupancy: 10.[/hider] --- [b]Interior Layout:[/b] --- [u][b]First Deck:[/b][/u] [hider=Hangar Bay & Armory] Hangar Bay [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/036/8/b/ship_research_hangar_by_jimhatama-d753d7a.jpg[/img] Armory [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/260/b/a/Armory_Corridor_by_jamga.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Engineering Bay] 1st Wing [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/009/8/6/the_engineering_bay_by_anasrist-d4lsz35.jpg[/img] 2nd Wing (Location of main drive core) [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/090/3/a/the_engine_room_by_jamggurogi-d5zwka3.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Second Deck:[/b][/u] [hider= Medbay & Lab Room] Main Medbay [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/325/b/3/lab_room_restricted_area_deus_ex_3_dlc_by_gryphart-d4guy18.jpg[/img] Recovery Ward [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs9/200H/i/2006/026/e/6/Room_17_Genetics_Laboratory_by_Zyphre.jpg[/img] Lab Section [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/354/8/8/lab_section_8_by_neisbeis-d4jojsi.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Hydroponics][img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100610174737/andromeda/images/5/5e/Tranceshydroponics.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Third Deck:[/b][/u] [hider=Living Quarters & Conference Hall] Living Quarters Section [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/250/b/3/living_quarters_by_momarkmagic-d2y7xii.jpg[/img] Conference Hall [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/051/7/e/intergalactic_meeting_by_siamon89-d39t9dw.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Fourth Deck:[/b][/u] [hider=Mess Hall & Lounge] Mess Hall [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/076/b/c/oblivion_skytower__49__living_quarters_by_blackcubestudios-d7ak8tf.jpg[/img] Lounge [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/308/8/4/taurus_iii___club_auriga_by_siamon89-d3sm8ap.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Enviro Room][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/276/e/b/autumn_room_by_jameswolf-d4bof6h.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Fourth Deck:[/b][/u] [hider=Bridge][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/211/8/e/The_Bridge_by_Skyrion.jpg[/img][/hider]