Dansu immediately ran and grabbed Keith's arm. She glared at him in a mix of sternness and disappointment. "You will [i]not[/i] defy the king's wishes! This is for the kingdom! You knew your job coming into this! You knew today was the day of determining what would happen to us! I may dislike it, everyone may dislike it; but we are doing this for our [i]people[/i]. Stop being a spoiled brat and do as you are told!" Her eyes glowed with a firey anger, showing not to go against her. She was not in the mood to deal with her hot headed brother. "Do you think your wife wants to marry you?! Do you think I want to marry someone I have yet to know?! We know our positions! Act as a prince and you will be treated as one!" She let go of his arm and said something so sickening to her that she instantly regretted the words slipping her lips. "We've only ever had eachother. Do not force me to choose between what I want to do and what I need to do, because I will always choose what I need to do." She looked at him with a serious demeanor before walking toward one of the maids. She looked at the maid, her anger simmering extremely slowly. "When is the engagement ball?" The maid looked at her and nodded. "[b] The engagement ball is tomorrow at nightfall.[/b]" Dansu nodded and looked back at Keith, saying through her eyes 'do not mess this up'.