[i][b] – Kathy[/b][/i] “Bye Crash.” Meekly returning his smile, she waved good-bye as Crash left. Feeling thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed of herself, she hid her face in her hands as soon as he left, missing the comical self-slap Crash did. Peeking through her fingers at Zivon and Eric, Kathy slowly lowered her hands and murmured, “I swear I’m not always like this. I’m really sorry for making things awkward.” Her cheeks were still bright red and she knew the two guys could see it. Gently touching her cheeks with her good hand, she tried to cool them down. Being able to calm back down again fairly quickly, she gave Eric a polite smile and offered, “Did you get to visit your room yet? I can show you where the dormitories are if you’re not sure yet. After you’re done your meal of course.” Eyeing her own unfinished sandwich on the table, she decided to just take the entire plate back to her room to eat as a snack later in the day. She had long lost her appetite, but didn’t want to waste food. --- [i][b] - Leroy[/i][/b] Laughing along with her, Leroy went back to his abandoned sketchbook and backpack. Putting away the pastels, he brought out his ink bottles. Black, red, blue, and yellow. Putting a few drops of each color onto a palette, he also mixed some of colors to create a bigger variety. Black, red, blue, yellow, purple, green, and orange. “I like painting in my own colors instead of just what I see, but don’t worry. I’ll be sure to capture how gorgeous you are.” He explained, winking at Carmen. “Ready when you are.” Holding the sketchbook steady at a slight slant forward in one hand and his brush in the other, he sat a slight distance away from Carmen with a direct view of where she was. “Now… Let’s see what kind of emotions we can capture here.” Smiling broadly, he wondered what sort of inspiration she would give him. Carmen didn’t know it of course, since he never discussed his ability, but she was about to influence the creation of either a wonderful peace that brought joy to its viewers, or another cursed work of art that seemed to cause misery for all those that gazed upon it.