Hello! Welcome to the IntChk for a RP I've been thinking about for a few days now. I have most of what I'm pretty sure this RP will be all about all thought out, but suggestions help and criticism is appreciated. My current idea as of now is this RP revolving around a secret, privately funded organization that operates on a global scale. The organization funds, supplies, and hires superheroes and vigilantes around the world. Heroes within the organization are put in touch with other heroes in their area and can form Hero-Groups to fight crime together and tackle more difficult missions. Individual heroes and hero groups are ranked to decide the amount of pay and equipment they get. Ranking goes from Local to National to Global. Upon initial entering into the organization, members are taken to a facility for training (if they need it) and an exam on their abilities to determine their ranking. A coordinator is located in a city to connect vigilantes, pass on crime info, give equipment, and wire pay. Recruiters are all over the world and they seek out potential members in anyone from professional soldiers, people with superpowers, or just people on the street who seem like a good fit. I was thinking about having this start out on a local scale and maybe if it gains traction it can be something bigger. Our characters will be new recruitees into the organization and will be taken to the facility for training and ranking. The only requirement to join is to agree to keep the organization a secret, you can be a high schooler who never fought a day in his/her life or a senior-citizen who wears adult diapers, whatever, as long as you can pass through training, you're in. After training and ranking our characters will be transported to the city they are assigned to, for plot convenience we will all be sent to the same one. Currently I think superpowers will be in this, but I'm not 100% sure whether I want to handle that kind of a potential shit storm. Interest? Questions? Critique?