Royce had been searching through the forest for about an hour and a half trying to find the Stabbington Brothers which were his new bounty. Less then a day ago the two brothers broke into the castle and stole the crown of the lost princess so now Royce was on the hunt to bring these two to justice.....alive of course. He had gotten word from a merchant in the castle town that they were hiding out in the forest and decided to check it out. So far, he's come up with no leads. "Man, either they're good hiders or they're not hiding in the forest." Royce said to himself. He tried to leaned up against what appeared to look like a rock wall. However it was a thick curtain of vines and he ended up falling into what looked like the entrance of a cave. "Great, can't get worse." Royce muttered to himself and he got up and brushed himself off. With no where else to go he headed deeper into the cave having no clue where it would lead him. Upon getting to the exit of the cave Royce ends up in a small clearing and in the middle of it all was a very very tall tower. "......Holy crap." Was all he could think of saying. "Guess they were hiding pretty good." He smirked as he assumed this is where the Stabbington Brothers were hiding. Royce decided to head towards the tower and find out for himself.