[center][i]"First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate; show no mercy."[/i] -Darth Sidious Tyrell Omi-Ren stood in his chambers, looking out the window when he felt a great pain in the Force, it hit him hard sending him to his knees. He could hear cries from the other padawans in the dormitory and sense the fear and confusion ripple through the Jedi Temple. Something terrible had happened, something truly terrible. Then he could see them coming. Lines of white troopers with blue accents, the 501st led by one man. A man in black robes, a Jedi leading clones. However why were they coming here? Why to the temple? He felt tears stream down his cheek as he saw the Jedi slicing down the gatemaster and then the entire temple shook. Several fighters strafed the temple, he grabbed his training lightsaber and he ran out, some of the other Padawans following his example. He heard a drone from the right hand side, towards a window as a Gunship lowered into view of the window. He dove for cover, narrowly making it before streams of fire began to lace the halls, slicing down padawans and knights who were unlucky enough to still be in the corridor. Some of them tried to block, fruitlessly. He screamed out in rage, terror and in pain as all these people he knew were turned to less than dust. He looked over his cover as the gunship turned dropping Troopers into the hall, they began firing at him. Activating his blade with a snap-hiss he began batting back bolts. The troopers kept advancing, one by one. He felt a sharp pain in the joint of his left arm and he turned his body in order to take the bolt and make his move. However there were too many. He was too inexperienced, another bolt hit his knee and his twirl turned into a roll and he fell onto the floor groaning. He looked up at a clone as he approached. Tears fell down Tyrells face and he spoke. "Help me, p...please...." There was a bolt of light, and then Tyrell Omi-Ren was no more. --- The Jedi temple is in ruins, destroyed by the forces of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. A group of Jedi are on the run from the forces of the brand new Galactic Empire and trying to find somewhere to regrow their order and try to restore Galactic Peace! How will you assist this fledgling Jedi Order? Afraid there are no Jedi slots left. Though plenty of room for non force users. (Positions will be opening soon for a hunter team) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/625/posts/ooc?page=1]Link[/url] [/center]