After some time, the elemental creature made its appearance once again before Ysolda. It had taken some time, and she was nearly back to full health... but then the creature stepped on her and started to talk about how she had tipped the balance and how she must die. She was told then to speak her last words. Really? This thing was threatening her? Some asshole comes in and eliminates a city... then explodes his warstrider with a force comparable to her most powerful spell... yet SHE is the evil one for cursing his existence. Ysolda had always known that lesser elementals could be dim, but this one was just stupid. [B]"You claim I am evil, yet I am not the one who took the lives of hundreds... who scarred the face of a world... who callously killed and maimed until feeling I was beaten, then fled."[/B] She did not move, as the elemental stood above her prone position, and could attack the instant it felt she was once again a threat to it. That said, if attacked while speaking, the Solar would simply skip her speech to the creature. [B]"Yet for my part, defending this bleak realm as best I can, you label me a blight upon it. You know nothing, creature. Nothing of me, nothing of what I am, nothing of what I can do."[/B] A smile crept onto her face as she finished her sentence. [B]"So if you're going to kill me for that, then by all means, try. If you'd rather learn more, then step back and allow me to get to my feet."[/B] Should the earth elemental choose to make good on its threat and start pressing down to crush her, or mount a different form of offense, Ysolda would merely open her mouth. Humans are unable to SPEAK the Word of Ten Thousand Birds, part of the song that all the birds of Creation sing when they gather in one place, but can channel the power of the word through their essence. In a burst of energy and multicolored light, Ysolda would suddenly transform into a flock of birds. This sudden expenditure of Essence would also re-flare her defensive anima, lending the flock a moderate resistance to being attacked. These birds would scatter into various directions and fly off into the dark horizon of this world, far from those who claim neutrality but practice tyranny. However, if it chose to let her stand... she would be both grateful, and continue on as if the threat had never occurred in the first place. She'd say [B]"Yes, I cursed that being. It was a foul thing to do, but no fouler than the actions he took. I am unable to perform such a spell more than once in a lifetime, so you needn't worry about it happening again."[/B] She would dust herself off and crack her neck a couple times before resuming. [B]"That said, I need to either find a way to help any survivors. That, and maybe figure out where the warstrider pilot fled to."[/B] She'd then motion toward the ruined city. [B]"Shall we see if we can restore order for these beings, or no?"[/B] The ball was no longer in her court. The wheel of fate was turning, and Erde would determine the direction it rolled. ( If Erde attacks: Motes Spent: 10m, 1wp. 0 Personal, 10 Peripheral. Motes Remaining: 0/34 Personal, 25/80 Peripheral. Remaining Willpower: 1/10 ) ( If he does not: Motes Spent: 0m, 0wp. Motes Regained: 12. 12 Personal, 0 Peripheral. Motes Remaining: 12/34 Personal, 35/80 Peripheral. Remaining Willpower: 2/10 )