For most of the castle it would be a slightly cold morning. For most it would be the case. However this was not the case for Alexander. He had the good fortune of a living blanket of fur. In this case he companion Entei or Big Dog if he was feeling the mood to poke fun at the wolf. The bed oddly was completely unused. Just like it had been for twenty two years. No matter what the temperature the young prince would always sleep on the floor with his companion. No matter what the two would be curled up on each other. This morning he was awoken suddenly by his friend. "Suicine? " He grumbled figuring that would be the only thing to wake up Entei at this horrible hour. "Tell her I'm asleep. My sister is insane." He said trying to get back to sleep but Entei was being forceful. Alex got up grumbling. "Alright Alright. I'm up..." He said grabbing his robe and throwing it on. He and Entei walked off to the Councilor's chamber. He hated being this early. Everyone in the palace knew he was not a morning person. Entei gave a look of respect to his sister as they entered. "I would call the morning good but it's too early to decide that. So morning , Zokura. " He said taking his seat to her left like he always did. Entei sat next to him looking like a statue.