[b]Lily[/b] She chuckled at his response. [b]"It's a long story. Let's just say, things have changed since you last saw me. I'm... I'm not an Angel anymore."[/b] She told him, a sad smile on her face. She turned to look at Farrow, who seemed worried that they should leave and let Matt get rest. Maybe... he was right. [b]"Maybe we should go and let you rest. You don't seem well."[/b] She said told him, looking around the room for the nurse. She was still sitting at her desk. How had she not heard Matt's outburst? She rolled her eyes and then looked over at Matt. [b]"Maybe Farrow and I could get you something from the cafeteria? I'm sure we could find some soup or something."[/b] She asked, wanting to at least do something for him. He'd changed a lot too it seemed, his appearance had anyway. It was a wonder she'd even recognized him. Though, she'd never forget a friend. [b]Ethan[/b] He followed her slowly as they headed outside. Why was her friend outside? He followed her as they walked up to the forest. His eyes grew wide as he saw the white mound in above the treetops. [i]What the hell is [b]that[b]?[/i] As they got closer, the girl walked away, heading closer towards the white mass. Suddenly, she turned and told him to be quiet and she walked up to it. A... dragon? It was a white mound... with a face and.... teeth. He approached with caution, feeling his legs starting to shake. What was this school? Dragons? They aren't even real! He placed the pot down where she said and backed off quickly as the beast went to eat. She turned to face Ethan with a smile, [b]"Oh!This is Leo!"[/b] He blinked, nearly close to pissing his pants. [b]"That... That can't be real."[/b] He stuttered, feeling as though he was in a video game. Suddenly, he felt it coming. NO. NOT NOW. He closed his eyes, willing the emotion to pass. He didn't want to scare her. He didn't want to scare [i]himself[/i]. It's just a dragon. If... if anything happens... She wouldn't let that happen, would she? He sighed and gathered his courage and stood up straight. He looked over at the girl, avoiding eye contact with the beast. [b]"H-Hi, Leo..."[/b] He said, his voice small and almost inaudible.