She heard the rampaging sound getting closer and closer. So much for time to lay around. She tried to roll away from the epicenter of what would soon become a disaster area and breathed fire forward to mold as quickly as possible into the rough shape of a shield just in time to have the wall off to her right side burst inward. Thanks to her shield she probably managed to avoid a fatal blow, but it could only defend against so much damage. The flames faltered after the initial impacts and she was then buried underneath the rest of the falling debris, luckily these being the less energetic rocks due to hitting her after the first wave. With her resistance against blunt force trauma she was able to withstand the force without getting herself too badly hurt, but she was indeed still hurt and now trapped as the wall was collapsing down on her. The monster's feet hit with a thud nearby. Judging by him not immediately crushing her at this point he couldn't see her right now underneath all of the rubble that scattered the area, but it obviously wouldn't take too long by process of elimination. Using the cover of the rocks she breathed fire to form into a shape of a spear and try to lance at his foot through an opening in the rocks before he could react. Hopefully a deep enough wound would severe the important walking muscles inside, whatever those might be, and limit his charging attacks that he seemed so fond of. In all honesty it was just a random attack to the closest point of his foot and hopefully it would do as desired. Whatever it would do it wouldn't be good for him unless he could avoid it. Unfortunately for her she was trapped and it was unlikely she could escape the rubble in time to dodge any counterattack. Hopefully either her spear would keep him at bay so he couldn't approach her or her ally would come to the rescue in time.