The day started early and ended late for Chau, even for the Royal Guard’s Head. To some it was unnatural, others simply thought he was a machine, but none would be surprised to find him up and about before the earliest sunrises. The human body was adaptable after all and even a few hours of sleep, given enough time to adjust, would prove enough. --- While his responsibilities were never too far away, waking to the darkness before sunrise offered Chau freedom for a little while. He took a moment to stare at the shadows cast by the torches lining the walls of his room before finally getting out of bed. A window was opened to let some fresh air flow in, and stifling a yawn he looked to his companions. Gardevoir was still rousing, slow as usual, and blinking the weariness from her eyes. Gengar was already wide-awake and in his shadow, a paw protruding to wave at him before it withdrew. Having made sure they were in order, Chau looked to attend to himself; donning his usual attire and equipment, heading down to the kitchen, before finally beginning his daily exercise. Gengar tagged along as usual; Gardevoir was left to her beauty sleep, she had never gotten used to his strange schedule. --- Sheathing his blade cleanly after a swing, Chau let out a deep breath before he glanced to the horizon again. The towering walls of the castle blocked his view, but he could feel the source of unease that laid past them and far off in the distance. While the first signs of sunrise had done a bit to ease the unpleasant sensation, and it had only dulled since then, it was still of grave concern. Whatever the cause was, Chau had little doubt it would be a threat to the kingdom, if only through its existence. That was how wrong it had felt when he first felt it wash over him mid-way through his exercises, causing him to freeze. With a sigh, he turned to glance at Gengar who had left its usual ‘home’ when he begun the routine. It sat upon a nearby bench with an unhappy expression despite having devoured the portion of meat Chau had intended to eat. Evidently the sensation had not been limited to only him, his companion had felt it too. As he approached, it seemed to snap out of a reverie as it shook its head, looked at him, and then floated over to dive into his shadow. While normally he might have grumbled at his companion being a glutton, today it seemed to need that treat, so he bit into the cornbread without complaint. The other Royal Guards would be awake or awakening soon, and a change of plans was due. [i]‘Looks like Sorren is getting some work,’ [/i] he thought to himself as he began to make his way back to his room. --- The pair of them only managed to leave the grounds when a familiar sensation touched Chau. His vision swam and the world seemed to twist itself on to a point ahead of him before everything snapped back to normal and Gardevoir had appeared. [i]‘Morning. Zokura called for a meeting in the counsellor's chambers. I suspect she expects you by the hour. The others will be there too.’[/i] Her speech, or would it be thoughts, was curt and straight to the point as usual. It was rather sudden, but if it was to discuss whatever had happened this morning, and he figured it was, then Chau approved. While he would have liked to grab something more substantial to eat, amongst other things, they would have to wait. He would be hard pressed to reach the chambers on foot as it was, and so he nodded at Gardevoir. [b]“If you would?”[/b] The world twisted once more, his vision went white, and then… pain. Teleport was an unusual ability, and from what Gardevoir had told him at the least, not meant for humans. Some people could endure it with only discomfort, but frankly he wasn’t one of them. He was a soldier though, pain was nothing new, and the conveniences of such an ability couldn’t be ignored. So even as he allowed himself to lean against the wall outside the chambers, trying to catch his breath, he smiled at her and gave his thanks. It didn’t do much to assuage the frown she had, but it was all he could give. It only took him a few moments to regain his composure before he straightened out with a grimace; he’d be feeling that for the day. Pushing the pain aside, he smoothed out his clothes and fixed his appearance up as best as he could. At Gardevoir’s nod, he pushed the doors open and stepped inside quietly, closing them behind him. Noticing the two already here immediately, he quickly gave them a bow while Gardevoir did a curtsy at his side. [b]“Princess Zokura. Prince Alexander. Good morning to you both.”[/b] Unlike the two, he didn’t take the Head’s seat at the table immediately. Instead, he positioned himself to the side of the door for the moment; taking the position two members of the Royal Guard would normally as he waited for the others.