Allen and his daughter, Caitlyn, were violently shoved in to and through the airport doors. A grimace upon his face and a scowl on his daughter's as they held each other's hands, walking deeper into the interior of the airport they were just locked in. The girl peered up towards her father and spoke ever so lightly, as if she were afraid of her father. "Daddy... what's happening? Why was mommy acting funny..?" Of course, Allen could not bear to tell Caitlyn the fate of her mother, who was zombified at the hands of the infected, yet he knew there was a time for it. Shaking his head slightly as he found one of the long benches to sit at, Allen placed both of his hands on the girl's shoulders. "Don't worry, okay? Everything is gonna be fine. Mommy... was just tired. She needed some rest. Now you get some rest, Caitlyn." With that, Allen gently pushed his daughter on to the bench and sighed heavily. "I'll be right back, okay?" The girl just gave a nod to him as he slowly walked off to his own ventures. If anyone within range of the two examined them, they would find that Caitlyn looked almost identical to her father except for the darkish green eyes. Also, one could swear there was a bandage around the little one's ankle, though it was covered by black stocking that went up to a bright purple knee-high skirt on the girl. She also adorned a neon pink tee shirt, which made the girl seem a tad out of place. She peered around, obviously concerned and confused about what had happened, why Allen made them suddenly leave her mother's house, why they fled to the airport, why all of those people were in her mother's home... She shook her head as she kicked her legs in the air, seeing as she could not reach the floor of the airport, and hummed to herself. On the other hand, Allen was peering about and looked nearly desperate to find something useful to arm himself with. His boots made a loud, yet soft patter against the tiled floor as he observed a construction wrench that was left about in the chaos. Even though it would probably be taken from him at a later time, it was better to be safe than sorry... sorry for his daughter. He cocked his head to the left and right in a hasty fashion and moved towards the weapon, quickly grabbing it up and attempting to conceal it as he made his way back to Caitlyn. Once there, he sat beside, placing his hands in to his hands as he rested his arms on his knees. Caitlyn quickly looked over at her father, smiling even though she was worried. "Don't worry, daddy, we'll be okay!" The child exclaimed in an inside voice, to which Allen nodded slowly with a smile stretching itself on to his experienced face. "Yeah... we'll be okay, sweetie."