"Aye, ma'am," Sebastian replied with a little nod. As the little robotic creature departed, he couldn't help but crane his head around to watch it. His mentor always had a few positronic brains lying around in various states of construction, but he had never mastered the skill to... Create life, as such, despite his fascination. It wasn't for lack of interest that held him back, the lad just had a tendency to gloss over the multitude of fine details required, as the rest of his creations displayed. Surely Professor Trimble could have put together a device to scan the woman and automatically adjust its potency so as not to leave her weakened, but Sebastian's... It only had one setting: full blast. It was always all or nothing with him, which occasionally brought him a bit of guilt, but more often brought him a bundle of trouble, if Dante's reaction wasn't evidence enough of that. "Did you want anything else from me? Or should I... Uh... Find a bunk?"