first attempt at rp here)) were at silver cross academy to train to be exorcists, demon slayers. an oversimplification but that is the general duties of an exorcist. however we are not given these abilities to see demons and simply fight them. that's what this academy is for, here we learn to hone our skills pick our meisters (specializations). we all have our own reasons to kill demons and protect people we all fight in groups of 3 or more since each meister has their own strengths and weaknesses that need another to help compensate for said flaw. will we work together to kill high ranking demons and reach the legendary rank of paladin, go our separate ways, or will we die just from the training. only time will tell Each of the classifications refers to the different fighting styles adopted by an Exorcist. There are currently five classifications: ◾Knight: Sword-fighter, mostly seen fighting with demon swords. ◾Dragoon: Arms-Fighter, mainly uses guns to fight. ◾Tamer: Summons demons to fight. ◾Aria: Recites a Demon's "Fatal Verse" in which the demon will instantaneously be killed/annihilataed. ◾Doctor: Has medical knowledge to treat most wounds inflicted by demons and otherwise. Of these five classifications it is possible for exorcists to take on multiple roles. Eg. Bon wants to be both a Aria and Dragoon. name: age: personality: history: meister: weapons (only if dragoon or knight specialization) summon (only if summoner): miscellaneous: ((any suggestions would be a great help if it doesn't work))