Calliope had nothing to compare Alexander's performance to - she had never watched the guards train before, or anything of the sort. So she had no idea if he was any good or not - but she couldn't help but be a little impressed. Or, rather, she would have been impressed had there not been other things on her mind. Namely the fact that she had run into perhaps the last person she would want to run into at the moment. Calliope shifted nervously, not saying anything for a long moment. She expected him to yell at her, or to perhaps use her for practice as he had the wooden dummies. She pulled her cloak around her more, trying to hide her basket of things. She had been so [i]sure[/i] he had left. Now she did feel like she had broken her word. The moon came out from behind a cloud, shining brightly on her face - revealing her tear-stained face and cheeks pink from the embarrassment of being caught. Calliope shifted again, pulling her cloak tighter around her. "I...I thought you had left..." She found herself repeating quietly.