Hullo! I'm Glaw. I'm 28, female, and always hungry for a fresh story. I also kept editing this post until it got very long, which wasn't supposed to happen. Don't worry, there aren't any hidden keywords. TL;DR at the bottom! [b]Expectations (Yours and Mine)[/b] What I'm looking for is a roleplay partner who will lead as well as follow -- someone who can present dynamic and healthy characters that will step forward and speak first (or are ripe to learn about the world and themselves). I'm looking for someone with ideas, who loves adventure and a quick-moving plot, who will take hold of a concept and sculpt it into story. I'm looking for someone who loves color and magic and whimsy, someone with a sense of humor, who can balance tragedy with comedy, a little drama and tension and romance in-between. I'm looking for someone with proficiency in spelling, grammar, sentence construction and formatting, who can and will write at least two paragraphs per post, but who at the same time isn't anal about it. I myself have a habit of using --dashes-- everywhere they probably shouldn't be. Because dashes are cool. I think of roleplaying as a game, and games should be fun. I will insert comic relief when heavy situations call for it. I will drop cute fluffy things into bleak dystopian landscapes, and I'll write a layer of terrible darkness into the sweetest little characters. I have a tendency to blow small details into epic plots, and I'll introduce oddities and plot curveballs when I'm bored. In other words, if you prefer angsty, serious, dreadfully depressing stories with no hope or laughter, I'm not your match. Similarly, if you like constant comedy and lighthearted stories with no darkness or depth, I'll be equally bored. Balance is extremely important to me. Another note I should probably mention: I don't usually plan ahead. I'll throw down a plot device and figure out later what it's for. I am totally open to you taking one of my ideas and running with it. By all means, any creative inspiration that happens to strike you, (as long as you're not controlling my characters) please do surprise me. I love surprises, and I love it when plots are upended and plans are ruined. What started out as a tea party could end up as a battle for the freedom of underground slave-warthogs -- I have no idea, just go with it, we'll find out what happens together. In other words: gimme your best shot, I'll take it and run with it. I'm admittedly better at adding to and twisting up other people's ideas than I am at coming up with my own. I am also notoriously terrible at opening scenes. So if you have some ideas that you're dying to try out, I am dying to hear them. My male characters tend to be more developed and entertaining than my females -- I really couldn't tell you why. When given the choice I prefer to play male as a main character, but I don't mind playing female. When it comes to romantic situations, 100% of my very long RP experience has been in the male role. I don't think I'd be at all comfortable in the female role. Which sounds extremely odd but there you go. The obligatory limits: [*]Romance is great as a subplot, but not necessary. (MxF or MxM)[/*] [*]Obscenities should be used sparingly. I use them, but only where grave emphasis is appropriate.[/*] [*]Sex is OK, but only if it furthers the plot or develops the characters. If you're not sure how to write sex in a way that contributes to the story, fade to black.[/*] [*]Violence is OK, but there's rarely a need to be graphic. Again, if it furthers the story or adds to the emotional impact of a post, I'm all for it.[/*] [*]Angst is OK in moderation. I'll stress this point again: I will expect your main character(s) to have a sense of humor and to be able to function in society.[/*] I will RP via a thread on RpG, through PM, email, or Google Docs, not necessarily in that order. [u][b]Things I Want to Write (Updated as the Mood Strikes)[/b][/u] Right now I'm rather in the mood for something original, fast-paced, low-maintenance, completely ridiculous and indulgently cliché with a side of fantasy, myth and/or the supernatural. Hit me with the most overused plots known to man, stuff them with mystery and unrequited love, sprinkle in a few cute fuzzy things and scary monsters, and I want that. Be completely original or steal plots and characters and settings from every fandom under the sun, I don't care, I just want to relax and write and have fun. I admit I don't even have any solid ideas -- or many ideas at all (which is part of my frustration right now) -- but tell me what you like and we'll develop something amazing. Right now I really can't handle another completely serious and/or literary RP, sorry. The only fandom I'll write right now is Doctor Who. My male characters tend to be stronger than my females, so I'd like to play the Doctor (8, 9, 10 and/or 11) or Jack, or the Master (I'm partial to the Master of classic Who, he's so much fun) or Donna (who is more than dynamic enough to keep me entertained) or an OC. I'd expect you to be able to take control of at least half the plots -- we'll take turns leading and following, or we'll throw curveballs at each other consistently until the plot is superbly ridiculous. The character(s) you play are totally up to you -- OC, canon, crossover, doesn't matter. If you're confident in your abilities I trust you'll know what you're doing.