[img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/205/9/8/shockwave_humenized_by_snowcastel-d41hl5i.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Dominus K. Sicofex [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Ability:[/b] Other than his extreme intelligence he has no powers. However, since his eye was exchanged, he can mentally control the giant worm known as "The Dweller" [b]Crime:[/b] Various crimes, including multiple accounts of premeditated murder and illegal genetic modification. [b]Personality:[/b] Both cold and calculating, Dominus is quite the evil scientist. He lavishes in creating monsters, and always seeks to improve his current and previous "designs". His plans almost always succeed, as he spends quite a long time formulating as to how to pull them off. However, he seems to be enjoying the experience of playing prisoner. However, should he grow bored with this life it would be very easy for him to start plotting escape. With this in mind, he can be extremely arrogant and self centered, often only thinking of himself and working only for his own gains. [b]Bio:[/b] Once a head scientist at a weapons manufacturing company, Dominus turned rogue. Using his programs tools, he started creating weapons with the goal of destroying the world. Why would someone do this? He simply had nothing better to do, and wanted to see if he could do it. He more than did it. His creations successfully annihilated an entire city, killing every living organism inside, then reducing it to a pile of rubble. Although he was captured, and his army was disbanded, some of the creatures he created still roam the world today, striking fear into the hearts of adventurers. One of his most successful creations cost him one of his eyes. A Mongolian death worm that he had captured was experimented upon. He increased it's size, and implanted metal plates atop it's skin and teeth (seen in background of picture). To control the beast, the man had one of his eyes replaced with a vampire's. This particular supernaturals' ability was to control animals, and Dominus used this to full effect. Although the transfer was not entirely successful, as he can only control the worm. Unstoppable in battle and worthy of claiming the title of his best invention to date. He sent the worm, labeled "Project Dweller", into hiding before he was arrested. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3U9SSg4u6f8&list=RDPqglYYAwHJg]Ground Fight[/url]