Yennefer had done no indiscretions, had reigned in her raging and rampant curiousity in order to truly show respect for this grandest and noblest of creatures she had before her. She knew so much of him and felt him everywhere, it was like her nerves were on fire with the heat and weight of his soul against her own. Delicately, as the other tamers had played out their own dramatic unions, she had tentatively stretched out her hand to touch. Her eyes were closed and her forehead still felt the soft press of the tip of his muzzle as the heated palm of her hand came up to cup the point of his chin, feel the boney spines embedded in his scales and familiarise herself with his presence and existence. Methuzar was content for the moment to simply breathe in her unique scent and let her mind emanate into his own. It was so gentle, so formal, so mannered and courteous and full of respect, their joining. There was no need for a show of bravery or charisma to prove their connection, a polite conversation had been enough for them to find each other's hearts. In days past they would not remember how long they had stood there, still and quiet, just touching. Methuzar found his wings and body curving around this little lady with an instinctual intent to protect, Yennefer's forehead and body leaning harder against his nose in a wish to be closer. Very abruptly the moment was broken with Merrick's voice booming down from on high and the words vibrating around the concave Colosseum walls, quaking down Yennefers bones and making her jump and her eyes snap open to flick about her surroundings wildly, as if only just remembering there was anything in the world except her and her dragon. Methuzar shook his head, seemingly similarly effected. They both in unison looked up to the skies and immediately directed the full force of their attention towards their new Mentor and Master and Leader. Both accepted his words without challenge, Yennefer had made her decision knowing full well the consequences and with a wish to heal this ailing world of theirs. She knew that was only done with study and dedication, she was used to devoting her attention to one goal, it came easily to her now. Methuzar had known his destiny from birth and had accepted it in his typically noble and valourous manner. As for the restrictions on their powers and learning, this they accepted as well. Yennefer and Methuzar were far from children, they had no wish for thrills or excitement they were pragmatic to the full. If there were others in the world who knew better than they then those Teachers were to be listened to until they had nothing more to teach. Yennefer had glanced back to her bonded to find his glistening bronze eyes on her, warm and happy with how similarly their minds ran. She had smiled with the same feeling before taking a look about her. The variety of people was astounding, no two people looked alike and they ranged from knights to rogueish ladies. The dragons too were of every different hue and shape that could possibly be conceived. She noted that Methuzar's size seemed greater than the rest and that his general bulk and muscle density was superior to the others. It seemed strange to her that the most physical seeming of all the dragons would not be paired with a warrior but with a Doctor. But she did not question it long, it was as right as anything could be. But still the sight of all of these variations of Dragon immediately got Yennefer thinking of their various physiological differences, how would one dragon react to a remedy compared to another? How did their circulation work at such high altitudes? What consistency did their blood take? So many questions pounded through her mind at once and she heard Methuzar rumble with amusement and interest as the concepts and diagrams and theories also piled into his own thoughts. She was embarrassed at her inconsiderate actions and pulled her thoughts back under control so that he might have space and peace. He blinked in thanks even though he hadn't truly been bothered by it, enjoying her passionate emotions. She turned to him once more at the end of Merrick and Nova's speech and breathed in a calming breath to stabilize her nervous energy. Methuzar actually did the same, although his breath was more akin to a hurricane. [i]I believe it is our time to fly My Lady, would you do me the honour?[/i] Methuzar dipped his head again, his left front leg extending out to her like a bridge, like a Gentleman offering a lady his arm to dance. Yennefer gave an amused smile and curtsied elegantly. [b]"The honour is all mine, gentle Sir."[/b] And with that she carefully picked her way up his enormous leg, finding footholds in the corded grooves of his muscles and being grateful for the coarse and gripping nature of his scales, finally making it up the the hollow between the base of his neck and the muscles of his wings. It was like a little alcove where she could curl into and remain steady and protected from the cold winds of the upper atmosphere. A small spine protruded some way in front of her which she found was an excellent handhold in case she might need to steady herself. Methuzar rolled his shoulders experimentally and gave his wings a few trial beats in order to ensure the comfort of Yennefer's position. Once they were both exceedingly happy with their situation, Methuzar began pacing about the Colosseum. It took very few steps for him to circle the area completely, his stride being so grand even though he took his time. Yennefer enjoyed feeling the pull and relax of the colossal body underneath her and tried to memorise every detail of the experience, understand all the forces at work underneath her. They took their time, neither of them had a mind to rush so quite a few Dragons had left the ground before Methuzar took them both up to his Alcove. He eased his left shoulder down as low as possible so that she could hop down onto his left foreleg and then down from there onto the ground. They both found that their hearts dropped a little when they lost tactile contact, Methuzar feeling some instinctual worry that when Yennefer was not seated atop him was when she was most in danger. She noted this in the ebb and flow of his thoughts and tried to wrap more of herself around his mind to comfort him to the obvious fact that she could not be astride him all the time. The Leather halters were easy to find although there was so much of them and they were so large that Yennefer had quite considerable trouble carrying them and strapping them around Methuzar's neck. They didn't take any shortcuts, Yennefer dutifully checking all the buckles and lengths of leather to ensure their durability and security before again climbing up his front leg and settling herself back into her niche and carefully tightening the harness around herself. She could tell that Methuzar was not completely enthused with the idea of flight, he seemed to prefer the ground even though he had no difficulty in the air. Yennefer was somewhat intrigued by the prospect for flying but it did not grip her excitement all that much, her enthusiasm was directed elsewhere. Still, when Methuzar's powerful wing muscles rolled either side of her and the enormous wing fingers stretched out towards the sun, Yennefer did feel a shudder of anticipation run through her. She did want to see him fly and this simple emotion encouraged him as well. With one powerful downward thrust of his wings, they were launched into the sky. The rush of air stole the breath from Yennefer and she felt like she had left most of her internal organs on the ground. Curled in her Alcove on his back she was relatively shielded from the cold air but she couldn't quite stop herself from kneeling up to peer over the crest of Methuzar's neck to see the ground drop away from them. She shivered with a mix of thrill and fear to which Methuzar gave a growl of unease and she dropped back into a more stable position. They gently circled under Nova and Merrick's watchful eyes, trying out their new wings and weights. Methuzar assured his little rider that she was barely a feather weight upon his back while she commented warmly upon his methodical and steady flight pattern and altitude, both gradually acclimatising to this new way of being. Eventually they both felt steady enough and confident enough to soar further to the limits of Merrick's commands, though never out of them, awaiting the signal for them to begin the journey towards their new home.